How to Do October Right

October 7, 2010 // Keep a bowl of eyeballs on your table.  We take them from people who come over for our “parties”…

JUST KIDDING!  These are chocolate.  I got you, didn’t I?

October 6, 2010 // Celebrate Halloween like this moth by adding more orange foods into your diet.

Of course he’s celebrating, and I’m not just relating everything I see to Halloween…

October 5, 2010 // Drink October-inspired hot chocolate to stay warm and happy.  There are so many ways to spice up a plain old hot chocolate mix.  You could put coffee in it and make a mocha.  You could add cinnamon to make Mexican hot chocolate.

OR, you could mix a spoonful of PUMPKIN with some half and half into the dry mix, add hot water, and top it with ghostmallows!!!  So tasty and festive.

October 4, 2010 // Use an innocent sunburst mirror as an accomplice in taking a haunted house-esque self portrait.

October 3, 2010 // Be like Katie and buy you and your roommates jack-o-lantern lights to decorate!

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